Urban Design Laboratory on Water in the Dordrecht area 2.0: private gardens

Last year’s urban design lab concerned with Water in Dordrecht’s open areas focused on making a public area both water-friendly and green-friendly, in collaboration with the municipality, Unesco IHE, and Plein06. These efforts generated the impression that a lot can still be achieved on private property: on roofs, in gardens, and in drains. This led to the urban design lab on Water in the Dordrecht area 2.0


In concrete terms, the urban design lab will work with a number of new partners and residents to make the built-up urban area greener, prettier, and water-friendly. Towards this end, a number of efforts will be initiated, such as:

  • the development of social media, including the website, in order to make it clear what is happening, and to involve others in the subject;
  • a training course for Dordrecht citizens on more appealing and easier garden designs, which would also make them more comfortable;
  • a contest to find the most beautiful and sustainable garden;
  • a tour of water-friendly gardens.

Evelyn Jansen has made a documentary explaining how gardens can be designed, using simple means, in more appealing and water-friendly ways.

Contact person

William Nederpelt
Platform Duurzaam Dordrecht
+31(0)78 6210139

Results appeared on
Project type
Platform Duurzaam Dordrecht, Aardoom Hoveniers, Escape Tuinarchitectuur, Evelyn Janssen & AXLE Focused
District / neighborhood
Type of project
In progress