Central dissemination of knowledge and tools
The knowledge portal has been developed within the purview of the central dissemination of relevant publicly available practical knowledge regarding spatial adaptation as well as implementation tools, either publicly or privately developed. The information provided on this website does not oblige users to use the knowledge or tools presented for any particular purpose, including the substantiation of the agreements set down in the Delta Decision on Spatial Adaptation. The knowledge portal is intended to serve as a gateway to such knowledge and tools.
Over recent years, the government has developed or commissioned the development of a wide range of knowledge and tools, a substantial proportion of which has been disseminated via this knowledge portal. Effective / frequently used knowledge and tools developed by private parties are also disseminated via the knowledge portal. This list is neither exhaustive nor intended to exclude or give preferential treatment to parties. Any missing knowledge or tools may be reported via the contact form. All requests will be reviewed by the knowledge portal editing board, comprising representatives of the central government, provinces, municipalities, and district water boards.
The knowledge domain of spatial adaptation is continuously developing. The knowledge portal will regularly be updated to incorporate – wherever necessary – the latest developments into the website. The knowledge portal disseminates knowledge and tools that have been developed by a wide range of parties. The editing board ensures that the knowledge and tools provided are of acceptable quality, according to the latest knowledge developments.
The central government and the Foundation CAS (in its capacity as portal manager) cannot be held liable for any consequences of assumptions or conclusions based on information provided, nor for any consequences of the use of tools disseminated via the knowledge portal.