
Kockengen does not need to look fifty years ahead in order to understand the urgency of climate impact. Heavy rainfall already causes a great deal of pluvial flooding in the heavily subsided streets, and damage to wooden pile foundations is imminent on account of subsiding groundwater. In order effectively to combat the current and expected problems, the municipality of Stichtse Vecht, the Stichtse Rijnlanden district water control board (HDSR), and the Province of Utrecht have joined forces in the Kockengen Waterproof project.


They are jointly looking for solutions involving sustainable water management in built-up areas, embedded into the comprehensive system of drainage canals and the lower-lying peat polders. The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment is supporting the project by means of the “pilot methodology”, involving design studies to explore climate adaptation measures and strategies.


Three ateliers constitute the basis for the Kockengen Waterproof research project.

The first atelier (November 2012) set down the substantive frameworks in the form of three potential level management strategies for both the built-up area and the rural areas. The report is focused on the results of the second atelier and the associated study “Kockengen water balance”, conducted by Deltares research institute.

In the second atelier, largely the same participants mapped out the issues in more detail. For example, from a technical perspective: what exactly is happening in the various sections of Kockengen? What problems does that cause for the Kerkstraat or the Portengen polder? From an organisational perspective: what collaborations are needed in order to realise the various different solutions? What other prospects does Kockengen have for the future? From a financial perspective: what benefits do the interventions generate and for whom? But also: how can we jointly attain that future?

The third atelier took place on 3 October 2013 and focused on the implementation by the various bodies and their inter-collaboration.

Results appeared on
Project type
Completed measure
Municipality of Stichtse Vecht
District / neighborhood
Type of project