Impact project Robust Water System in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen

The Robust Water System began as a dot on the horizon: the water system is approached here from the perspective of its possibilities and subservience to other water-related functions, such as industry, agriculture, Nature, recreation, and tourism.

Thus, the approach adopted in the “Robust Water System” differs from the policy currently pursued. Our current water system is primarily designed as a problem-solving system. It aims to provide “not too much and not too little water of sufficient quality”. Other functions benefit from the synergy with the “Water System”, often on an ad hoc basis. Problems are often solved locally without much attention paid to regional issues. In this respect, opportunities are missed. By making the water system’s subservience to other functions the central point of focus, we will come up with new insights and opportunities. The higher goal is to bring about a vital region where different functions (agriculture, Nature, industry, harbours, recreation, etc.) can develop next to each other and in a synergetic relationship. The Robust Water System is therefore a water system that makes an essential contribution to the vitality of the area.



Within the current impact project, an effort is being made to secure knowledge and disseminate the project results of recent years. For this purpose, a semantic wiki has been realised – a knowledge database for and by partners. The Wiki is accessible for everyone. In the Wiki, the project results are shown in their inter-relationship. In addition, the Wiki is intended to boost the support capacity in the region, and to encourage other parties to join and participate.

In summary, it can be said that the Robust Water System:

  1. ensures an optimal coordination between the demand for and supply of water;
  2. ensures a greater availability of (fresh) water, thus increasing the self-sufficiency of the region;
  3. gives substance to the policy objectives, such as the Administrative Agreement on Water, the Framework Directive on Water, and “Zeeland 2040”;
  4. ensures an optimal collaboration in which financial resources are efficiently used;
  5. capitalises on the DNA of the region;
  6. provides added value to industry, Nature, culture, urban development, agriculture, and recreation;
  7. supports the management and maintenance of the water system in a cost-effective manner.


The results of 13 ongoing initiatives within the work domain of the Robust Water System have been visualised in the Wiki and serve as a starting point for the further development of project initiatives.

The semantic Wiki can be found via the link

Contact person

Dr. Ir. H.J. Cappon
HZ University of Applied Sciences
+31(0)118 48 92 16

Wim Twigt
+31(0)6 14 70 60 95

Province of Zeeland, Scheldestromen District Water Board, Municipality of Terneuzen, Rijkswaterstaat, Dow Benelux, Evides, Sweco, Staatsbosbeheer, ZLTO, Zeeland Seaports & HZ University of Applied Sciences
Drought, Waterlogging
Policy and collaboration