Water storage in Aaltje Reddingiusstraat: 1400 crates underneath car park

Severe precipitation frequently causes waterlogging at the Helmondseweg in Deurne. The sewer system in this district is due for replacement. The authorities are seizing this replacement tasking to reduce the risk of future waterlogging.

The sewer system in the Helmondseweg area will be replaced by a separate sewer system. Rainwater is collected in a separate rainwater sewer rather than being discharged to a water purification plant. Pinch pipes – providing delayed drainage – let limited volumes of rainwater through to the mixed sewer; the remainder is drained to a water storage facility.

The water storage facility will be constructed underneath the nearby car park at the Aaltje Reddingiusstraat. The facility comprises 1400 crates that together can store 580,000 litres of water. Currently, more than one hectare of paved surface is connected to the rainwater sewer system; the water storage facility can store up to 50 mm of rainwater falling in this area.

This furthers the goal of retaining more water locally, in the area in which the rainwater falls. The crate system has already been introduced at several locations in Deurne and turns out to be an effective water retention method.

Deurne kratten parkeerplaats

Contact person

Hans Moerkerk
Gemeente Deurne

Gemeente Deurne
Taking measures - Water management