150 rain barrels in Vlietwijk to combat waterlogging

In order to combat waterlogging, a separated sewer system will be constructed during the renovation of the Vlietwijk district; individual houses will be provided with new rainwater downspouts and waste water downspouts. As the new rainwater downspouts only connect to the front side of the house roofs, residents may apply for a rain barrel. This will enable them to collect rainwater from the back roofs as well, thus involving them in local water management. 150 local residents have placed a rain barrel in their backyard.

In order to be better prepared for future severe downpours, the municipality of Voorschoten is committed to efficient water management. Residents of the Vlietwijk district can register for a rain barrel produced from recycled plastic, made available free of charge. The rain barrels facilitate the storage of water. 150 residents have placed a rain barrel in their backyard, enabling the collection of 15,000 litres of water. Expectations are that other residents will also be inspired to take measures. The water collected in the barrel can easily be used to irrigate the garden.

vlietwijk_afbeeldingImage: Alderman Rasch hands over a rain barrel to a Vlietwijk resident.

In addition to involving residents in improving water management, a new, separated sewer system has been constructed. This is intended to reduce the volume of (clean) water discharged to the waste water purification plant.

Contact person

Magda Leering
Werkorganisatie Duivenvoorde

Gemeente Voorschoten
Awareness and communication, Taking measures - Water management