Climate-proof tram shelter in Delft

The municipality of Delft is the first city to realise a climate-proof tram shelter, across the street from Delft CS railway station. With the consent of the regional transport authorities and HTM public transport company, the tram shelter has been constructed to enable water collection on the roof. Subsequently, sheets of double glazing gradually discharge the water into flower boxes. This remarkable tram shelter can be admired from 3 April 2018 up to and including 3 May 2018, opposite the railway station. After that, the shelter will probably be relocated.

Not only does a beautiful, green environment provide greater pleasure, it also keeps your and your fellow residents’ feet dry! A real win-win situation, therefore. More than ever, streets and paved gardens are flooded on account of downpours. Such downpours are becoming increasingly extreme and occur increasingly more often. We can perceive this as a problem, but it also provides opportunities for tackling this excess water in a fun and creative manner! A fine example is this tram shelter: the rainwater collected not only reduces waterlogging on the street, it is also used to water plants. And all of this visualised in a fun way!


The idea for a climate-proof tram shelter came up during the Sustainable Business Challenge, in which Delfland participated last autumn. Young talents – students and new graduates – won this competition with their idea for a sustainable bus shelter.

Contact person

Sarita Mateboer
Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland

Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland & gemeente Delft
Awareness and communication