Climate-proof car park at MFC Heerewaarden

The municipality of Maasdriel has created a climate-proof car park at the Heerewaarden Multi-Functional Centre. The car park is designed to combat waterlogging during extreme downpours.

The car park comprises 68 parking spaces featuring grids manufactured from recycled plastic and covered with grass. Water storage is provided on and underneath the car park. A layer of tree sand and lava underneath the grids will retain rainwater to subsequently be drained to the surrounding ditch. The ditches rapidly fill up during extreme downpours. During torrential rain, the grids will retain water, because the parking spaces are slightly recessed. The car park has a long lifespan, and in the summer it reduces heat.

Lessons to be learned from the project

  • Communication on the functioning of the car park is important, for example, in situations in which the car park is used for other purposes during events (such as fairs) or for the temporary storage of sand for soccer fields. After all, such uses may affect the effectiveness of its water storage capacity.
  • A car park featuring spatial adaptation may initially require higher investments. However, in the long run, the costs could turn out lower. It is important to convey this message and garner the support of colleagues/administrators.

Contact person

Esther Zondag-van Norel
Gemeente Maasdriel
14 0418

Gemeente Maasdriel & Aannemer J van Esch BV
Heat, Waterlogging
Taking measures - Water management
Type of project