Wave stones in Deventer render climate adaptation visible

The municipality of Deventer is marking locations at which climate-adaptive measures have been implemented. To this end, the authorities have devised the so-called wave stones: a square stone marked with a blue wavy line.

The municipality of Deventer is taking climate-adaptive measures to prepare the city and surrounding villages for the impact of climate change. The waterlogging landscape map shows where the municipality is likely to experience waterlogging. The information provided by this map has enabled simple and cheap adaptations to be made. The wave stones in Deventer serve to mark such locations.

Image: Wave stones in Deventer

The municipality has developed the stones in collaboration with the StadLandWater agency and the Morsinkhof group. The wave stones serve as an urban means of communication. The distinctive stones arrest the attention and are recognisable throughout the municipality.

Many locations feature inconspicuous measures. These stones constitute a simple way of indicating which locations have been designed in a climate-adaptive manner.

Meanwhile, the stones have been introduced at various locations within the municipality. A case in point is a local lowering of the pavement and vegetation. Such lowering facilitates rainwater run-off to an adjacent body of water. This location has been marked with wave stones. The stones prevent roadworkers from remedying the “subsidence” in the pavement, and also show that climate-adaptive measures have been taken on this spot.

Image: Wave stones at a climate adaptation project on the Teugseweg

At many locations, the municipality of Deventer is disconnecting downspouts, for example, by means of deep infiltration near the town hall. The infiltration poles are located underground and, therefore, not visible at surface level. Wave stones have been placed here to demonstrate that adaptation measures have been taken.

Image: Disconnection of town hall downspout

Lessons to be learned from the project

The stones used in Deventer can also be used in other municipalities. Many adaptation measures can be implemented tomorrow, so to speak. The wave stone is a super simple means of communication and highly effective. The stones could become a national symbol of urban climate adaptation!

Contact person

Sanne Hulleman
Gemeente Deventer
06 - 11 51 87 12

Gemeente Deventer
Urban flooding, Waterlogging
Awareness and communication