Town of Oldebroek disconnects Raadhuisplein square and vicinity from the sewer system

Time and again, residents of Van Asch van Wijcklaan witnessed their street being transformed into a brook during severe downpours. Other streets in the vicinity of the Raadhuisplein square in Oldebroek were also frequently faced with waterlogging. As the town hall and the Raadhuisplein square were due for renovation, simultaneously taking measures to combat such waterlogging was a logical step. That is why the entire area has been disconnected from the sewer system.

What was the reason?

Not only the town hall and the Raadhuisplein square needed work. The streets surrounding the Raadhuisplein were due for resurfacing and some of the trees on and around the square had to be relocated. An obvious decision, therefore, was to tackle the area around the Raadhuisplein square as well.

What is the municipality aiming to achieve?

The municipality aims to turn the Raadhuisplein square and the surrounding streets into a beautiful, coherent, and comfortable living area. This also means that residents will no longer be faced with waterlogging.

How has the area been disconnected from the sewers?

The town hall, the Raadhuisplein square, and the surrounding streets have been disconnected from the wastewater sewer system. Rainwater falling on the square will run off into a large wadi in the centre of the square. This has become the green heart of the Raadhuisplein square. Two footbridges enable visitors to walk across the wadi to the town hall entrance. Thus, visitors will also notice the effect that a wadi may have. In addition, the municipality has constructed a rainwater sewer underneath Van Asch van Wijcklaan street. This sewer will lead rainwater that falls on the pavement to a nearby drainage canal. The street pavements and half of the roofs are connected to this sewer.

Any special circumstances?

A special feature of this project is the involvement of a wide range of parties. Residents, municipal staff, and politicians have all contributed ideas for the design.

Contact person

Gemeente Oldebroek

Gemeente Oldebroek & residents
Taking measures - Water management