Measuring the effectiveness of adaptation measures in Gelderland

In the years ahead, the municipalities of Elburg, Nijmegen, Doetinchem, Duiven, Apeldoorn, and Arnhem will be measuring the effectiveness of several adaptation measures. Among other things, they intend to measure the effects of wadis, an Infiltration and Transport sewer system (IT sewer), green façades, and water storage roads on the natural system. Furthermore, they will be monitoring whether the measures are enhancing biodiversity, and whether local residents are satisfied with the measures. All the monitoring results will be collected in an online dashboard.

This implementation project is a pilot study initiated by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. Financial support from the national government has boosted the project:

  • The municipalities will be able to implement several measures in 2021.
  • In the years ahead, measuring equipment will help to gain a detailed picture of the effectiveness.

Locations for the monitoring of adaptation measures

The effectiveness of various adaptation measures will be measured at the following locations:

  • Elburg: water storage capacity in a road to prevent waterlogging in the Oostendorp neighbourhood;
  • Nijmegen: insight into the functioning and management of wadis;
  • Apeldoorn: Markstraat climate street;
  • Doetinchem: new water infiltration facility in Duval Slothouwerstraat street. A similar system will be constructed in Duiven (Groessen);
  • Arnhem: measures in the purview of climate adaptation, biodiversity, and the living environment in the Bestuurskwartier district.
Five locations at which the effectiveness of measures is being measured.

The monitoring plans are ready

In early 2021, the six municipalities completed their monitoring plans. The plans set out the knowledge questions they will be answering in the period ahead and the measuring equipment required to this end.

A selection of the knowledge questions:

  • How does the IT sewer in combination with road water storage and wadis work to combat extreme precipitation?
  • How can the adaptation measures be implemented in interconnection with goals related to biodiversity, the circular economy, the energy transition, and sustainable mobility?
  • How does the road water storage system affect groundwater levels?
  • How can the current heat stress in the area be gauged (in a simple manner)?

First benchmarking, then assessing the effect of measures

At some locations, such as Doetinchem, measures have already been carried out. At other locations, measures are being prepared to be implemented in 2021. In the period ahead, the project team will be working on benchmarks, in order to gain a proper picture of the current situation. Following these benchmarks and the implementation of the measures, the effects will be assessed.

Knowledge sharing

The research results generated by this pilot study are of value to the whole of the Netherlands. That is why the six municipalities are sharing this knowledge at both a regional and a national scale. At the regional level through the Gelderland Subsoil Platform and the Working Regions engaged in the Delta Plan on Spatial Adaptation; at the national level through knowledge meetings and networks. The monitoring results will be collected into a data management system featuring a dashboard. This enables administrators, residents of the pilot municipalities, scientists, climate adaptation professionals, and other interested parties to retrieve information that is of interest to them. The ambition is to expand the dashboard with monitoring results from all over the Netherlands.


Has your municipality also embarked on the monitoring of climate adaptation measures? And would you perhaps like to share the results on the dashboard? Or are you – as a student – interested in contributing to the further exploration of the knowledge questions? Then please contact Paul Oude Boerrigter:

Provincie Gelderland, Gemeente Elburg, Gemeente Nijmegen, Gemeente Apeldoorn, Gemeente Doetinchem, Sweco, Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein, Lapinus, Aquaflow & Stichting CAS
Biodiversity, Drought, Heat, Waterlogging
Monitoring and evaluation