LIFE-IP Climate Adaptation
LIFE-IP Climate Adaptation (2022-2027) is a Dutch programme, co-funded by the European Union (EU). It comprises measures to expedite the implementation of climate adaptation measures in the Netherlands. The EU grant totals nearly 10 million euros. A consortium of 22 government bodies and organisations is carrying out the programme and is contributing an additional 7 million euros. Coordination of the programme is in the hands of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Thus, the programme will be establishing a manifest link between the climate and public health.
Why LIFE-IP Climate Adaptation?
Increasingly more government bodies, businesses, NGOs, and individual residents are actively engaging in climate adaptation. They are pursuing a common goal: ensuring that the Netherlands will be resilient against climate change by 2050. They are designing neighbourhoods and houses that are capable of withstanding heat, drought, and waterlogging. In addition, they are taking a host of other measures. They are expending their efforts under the National Climate Adaptation Strategy (NAS) and the Delta Plan for Spatial Adaptation.
Ergo, a great deal is already happening, but according to the experts we can do an even better job. All these measures can be implemented faster and more efficiently if we adopt a smarter approach. For example, by linking measures and by exchanging know-how and experience more efficiently.
The programme
The programme was endorsed at the end of 2021. Click on the link to download the programme (pdf, 9.6 MB) or the summary (pdf, 479 kB) (in Dutch). The programme sets out the collaborative efforts through which the consortium intends to expedite climate adaptation. It focuses on four goals:
- Developing accessible and comprehensible knowledge products and tools;
- Raising awareness and promoting a sense of urgency, in order to encourage residents and organisations to take action;
- Promoting an approach that integrates climate change into other taskings, and developing decision-making structures that support this approach;
- Developing business models and forms of funding in pursuit of adaptation measures.
The above goals have been visualised in four coherent cogs. Each cog covers several projects, spread across the country. Furthermore, the programme is supported by expediting campaigns that give actual impetus to climate adaptation measures.
During the LIFE-IP programme, eighteen projects will be implemented, the so-called cog projects. Each project is linked to one of the four cogs. Their implementation is in the hands of the participating parties: provinces, municipalities, district water boards, community health services, government agencies, and the Dutch Federation of Agriculture and Horticulture (LTO-Noord). The projects page provides more information on the different LIFE-IP Climate Adaptation projects.
Expediting campaigns
The know-how and experience generated by these projects will be broadly disseminated via so-called expediting campaigns. These campaigns are focused on, e.g., communication, on networking between stakeholders, and on the reproducibility and dissemination of the results at home and abroad. The expediting campaigns page provides more information on the LIFE-IP Climate Adaptation expediting campaigns.
The timeline sets out all the meetings that have been organised within the framework of the LIFE-IP Climate Adaptation programme.