Groningen Neighbourhood Climate Monitor

How will the changing climate affect our country? The “Neighbourhood Monitor” tool is intended to inform residents of Groningen about the impact.

Project objective

The project aims to raise awareness of the consequences of climate change among Groningen residents. Other key objectives are encouraging residents to take action, and actually implementing steps. The project is intended to provide insight into the effects of the steps that have been taken in relation to the expected changes in the climate.


The project encompasses two specific components. Step one involves the development of a neighbourhood climate monitor for residents. Step two involves the elaboration of a communication and participation track, in order to encourage residents to actually use the monitor. The project is focused on seven neighbourhoods and villages in the municipality of Groningen.


  • In early 2024, Groningen municipality launched the neighbourhood climate monitor ‘Klimaat in je straat’ [Climate in your street]. This handy tool shows at district and street level what the climate risks and opportunities are. It is intended for professionals and residents alike. It is an online tool that overlays maps of heat stress, flooding and greenery. Possible climate actions are also linked to the monitor. The ultimate goal of this tool is to raise awareness and involvement in climate adaptation. This encourages residents to actively contribute to making their living environment more sustainable.