Amsterdam Rainproof
The residents of Amsterdam want to keep their feet dry, but the city is vulnerable in the event of downpours. Rainproof intends to encourage the citizens to opt for rain-proof solutions when improving their roofs, gardens, streets and parks. Amsterdam Rainproof is a smart way to invest, while at the same time improving the city´s habitability and appeal.
As of February 2024, Rainproof has changed to Amsterdam Weerproof. Go to the website:
Extreme weather is increasingly abundant across the globe. In Copenhagen, Denmark (2 July 2011), a downpour caused 1 billion euros of damage. The authorities are now investing 1.5 billion euros to rain-proof the city. Amsterdam is vulnerable to such downpours too, as we found out on 28 July 2014. The sewers sustain public health, but are not equipped to handle extremely large quantities of rain. Moreover, increasingly more urban areas are paved with buildings, asphalt, and tiled gardens.
Amsterdam Rainproof is a platform of and for all residents of Amsterdam, which is facilitated by the municipal authorities. Rainproof connects residents, companies, knowledge institutes, and the government with each other in ongoing projects and new initiatives. It involves a network approach that generates a major yield with minor local investments and adaptations. In the Amsterdam Rainproof declaration of intent, essential stakeholders have agreed to collaborate actively and to contribute: from real estate owners (private persons, housing corporations, developers), companies (gardeners, garden sector, designers, SME construction companies, consultancies), water managers (city and district water boards), to designers, managers, and policy makers of the municipal services and urban districts, and of course the administrators. Everyone can contribute to Rain-proofing the city. Because every drop counts!
Rainproof is an approach that befits the city. Not waiting till things go sour, but taking advance action. If you do something, do it Rainproof right away. Rainproof thus links current management flows, urban garden and street adaptations, with smart Rainproof measures, a cost-effective way to cope with an uncertain future - not investing half a billion euros in mono-functional underground containers, but rather using the entire city as a sponge at low cost: temporarily absorbing a lot of rain and slowly releasing it, in every neighbourhood, in every street, in and around every building. Pervious pavements, green roofs, and façade gardens are pragmatic solutions that make the city more beautiful at the same time.
The Amsterdam Rainproof initiative has created infographics featuring measures to render your building, roof, garden, street, square, park or neighbourhood water-resilient.
Paulien Hartog
Daniël Goedbloed
Amsterdam Rainproof