The Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Welcome to the knowledge portal section on the Caribbean part of our Kingdom. This section presents information on climate change and on the steps that the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba can take to adapt to the consequences.

Why does this knowledge portal feature a separate section on the Caribbean islands?

Climate change has a major impact on the Caribbean islands. Furthermore, the consequences of climate change differ sharply from those faced by the European Netherlands. Therefore, it is important for these islands to have a dedicated central location where they can find climate information. This is only logical, as from a political perspective, the Caribbean islands hold a special position within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Curaçao, Aruba, and Sint Maarten are autonomous countries within the Kingdom, as is the Netherlands. The public bodies of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba (the BES islands) enjoy a separate status as special municipalities of the Netherlands. That said, some sections of the knowledge portal pertaining to the European Netherlands may also be of use to the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.

Adaptation and mitigation: what's the difference?

The Earth is warming, and the climate is changing. We need to prepare for the impact of climate change and to adapt our environment accordingly. This is referred to as climate adaptation. In addition, we need to prevent further climate change wherever possible: this is referred to as climate mitigation. The main strategy for combating climate change is reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This knowledge portal only features information on climate adaptation. Would you like to know more about climate mitigation? The Dutch government website features a section on climate policy.

What type of information is provided here?

This portal comprises information on the following topics: