Resident-level adaptation

Would you like to know what you can do to be better protected against extreme weather? Take a look at this page on this portal: Get started as a resident (in Dutch). Furthermore, you can find a range of helpful tips in the United Nations Lazy Person's Guide to Saving the World, e.g., on easy ways to save energy. The Climate Change Effects & Recommendations report by the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) also contains useful tips on ways to help protect the natural environment and reduce your CO2 emissions. Some examples:

  • Reduce your own carbon footprint: for example, cut down on car journeys in order to limit your CO2 emissions.
  • Minimise physical contact with vulnerable nature: do not touch coral. And do not use pesticides to drive off insects.
  • Join nature projects: help clean beaches or participate in a reforestation project.
  • Try and minimise waste: do not use plastic bags when shopping and refrain from using disposable plastics wherever possible.
  • Make your garden nice and green: grow your own herbs, fruit, and vegetables, and try various species. Plant your garden with indigenous species, as these are beneficial to insects.