Local networks and platforms

This page contains a list of links to local networks and platforms in the Caribbean.

  • The Caribbean Regional Climate Center in Barbados is developing climate services and products for the Caribbean region.
  • The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre in Belize is supporting residents of the Caribbean region to address the consequences of climate change, e.g., through sustainable development programmes.
  • Local2030 Islands Network is a network of islands and island states aimed at combating climate change. To this end, the network is promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) via locally orchestrated solutions. The organisation is based on Hawaii.
  • The International Panel on Deltas and Coastal Areas (IPDC) is supporting deltas, coastal areas and islands in drawing up plans aimed at boosting their protection against extreme weather.
  • In 2025, the Aruba National Climate Resilience Council will draw up a National Adaptation Strategy. The Council intends to raise Aruba’s resilience against the negative impacts of climate change.
  • The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) on Bonaire is committed to biodiversity and sustainable nature management in the Dutch Caribbean.
  • The Cabinet of the Special Envoy for Bonaire, Saba, and St Eustatius strengthens collaboration with the European Union, the United Nations, and countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its goal is to promote sustainable development and improve the well-being of residents. In February 2024, the Cabinet of the Special Envoy published its first newsletter.
  • The Hòfi Chickí foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that, with the help of volunteers, creates tiny forests to green the Caribbean Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. The foundation is based in Amsterdam.
  • Green Phenix is a social enterprise on the island of Curaçao that aims to catalyse a circular and inclusive economy. To combat pollution, Green Phenix collects plastic waste that is subsequently used as a raw material for new products.
  • Future Islands is an independent knowledge platform that aims to connect and engage. It is committed to making the Caribbean islands more sustainable.
  • The Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) represents the interests of 39 small island states and low-lying coastal states in international negotiations on climate change and sustainable development.