CEES – Circular, Energy, Ecology, and Society – helps to formulate sustainability programmes for each project. In the initiation stage of the project, the ambitions are collectively set down, not only those involving climate adaptation but also ambitions relating to other sustainability issues such as energy, raw materials, biodiversity, mobility, and environmental quality.
In this process, measures are pursued that are conducive to resolving multiple issues. Climate-adaptive measures can also have added value for other sustainability issues. CEES encourages a crossover perspective and thus creates win-win situations. Our ultimate goal is measures that generate maximum added value for the user and the natural environment, and that are realistic from a financial point of view.
CEES leads to a sustainability programme which serves as input for the full Schedule of Requirements. We thus embed climate-adaptive measures in an early stage of the project.
Download this PowerPoint presentation (pdf, 647 kB) for more information or send an email to: avdt@kragten.nl.
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