All tools
How do you substantiate spatial adaptation? In recent years, several tools have been developed and fine-tuned under the Delta Plan on Spatial Adaptation, e.g. the Climate Impact Atlas, Stress test, Climate-proof City Toolbox, Climate Damage Atlas and the Risk Dialogue Roadmap. The tools are available for anyone, free of charge. Several other parties have also developed tools; see the list below. Use the filter to search by issue (waterlogging, heat, drought, and urban flooding), and type of tool. Some tools require external support, others are available free of charge. Find a tool missing? Please let us know.
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Visualise pluvial flooding and floods
Clarifies what climate adaptive construction and planning entails
To calculate potential urban biodiversity scores
Informs about the risks of climate change
Showcases of climate-proof spatial planning
Sustainability performance of areas
Development of a green, healthy, climate-adaptive city
How high may rise the water in my vicinity?
Helps to formulate sustainability programmes for projects
Quick scan for the assessment of urban water management
Rural areas model book
Aid in urban climate solutions
Encouraging climate-adaptive behaviour
Estimates additional expenditures resulting from climate change damage
Shows how much insured damage extreme weather has caused over recent years
Climate-proof your home or street
Climate and water impact mapped out
Provide insight into the future climate of the Netherlands
Explore dozens of adaptation measures for your neighbourhood, street, or premises
Measuring protocol for conducting Thermal Comfort Assessments at street-level scale
Comprises a step-by-step plan for drawing up a strategy to combat urban heat stress
Provides information on ways to heatproof neighbourhoods and streets
Step-by-step plan to utilise cultural-historical knowledge in stress tests
Creating awareness of climate change and on developing relevant actions
Online knowledge files on water and climate issues
Serious game to design your own climate schoolyard
Helps to initiate a dialogue on climate-proofing a brook valley landscape
Tips to tackle sudden waterlogging
Helps municipalities to drought-proof greenery in urban areas
Helping to gain more insight into the causes and effects of drought, and into their interrelationships
Answers to practical questions on heat measures
Provides an overview of the effects of several climate adaptation measures
Step-by-step plan for municipalities to determine what instruments they can use to embed climate adaptation
Find out what technologies qualify for tax benefits
Information on European water- and climate-related grants
Funding options for climate adaptation
Helping to build nature-inclusive cities
Inspirational measures and examples
Tips and inspiration for a green-blue schoolyard
Assistance in placing groundw. interests on the agenda
Planning principles for 11 landscapes
Step-by-step plan, from the very start of the design process
Sets out how municipalities can link climate adaptation to other major taskings
Provides information on foundation issues in the Netherlands
To assist in designing an integrated environmental vision
The Guideline helps to assess whether water events can take place
Show the options for embedding climate-adaptive and nature-inclusive construction in policies and plans
Shows how nature-inclusive, yet climate-adaptive measures can be accommodated in road construction and maintenance
Guidelines for Climate-proof Petting Zoos
Helps to reduce indoor temperatures
Provides insight into the health effects of green measures
Helps to use soil data in climate adaptation
Shows for urban water management what has changed under the Environment and Planning Act and what has not
Comprises some 230 definitions of phrases relating to the theme of heat, that are used in the field of climate adaptation
Visualisation of the impact of heat
Brochures with measures for greening residential areas, shopping centres, and industrial estates
Climate-proof your home and garden
HydroMaster puts you in control of precipitation and pluvial flooding
Find out how you can waterproof your home and garden
Calculates the run-off of surface water and urban water
Map out the sustainability of your project
Provides an overview of damages that are and are not covered by insurance
Helps to design public and underground spaces
Determine the intervention points in your system
ISO standards for climate adaptation
Helps to make efficient use of limited space, both overground and underground
Assistance in linking climate adaptation to the energy transition
Inspiration and examples for planning a living garden
Tips and inspiration to utilise greenery in the purview of climate adaptation
Showing how the Dutch have been attempting to control water for centuries
Maps out the impact of climate change
Manual to draw up local heat plans
Informs on a water-friendly and heat-resilient garden
Shows how to enhance the sustainability of industrial estates
Helps to develop a heat programme
Provides an overview of twenty-five products, manuals, and tools supporting the construction process
Tool and inspiration for an effective use of your roof
Shows the roof performances of multi-functional roofs
Insight into flood risks in your area
Photos relating to climate adaptation and spatial planning
Compose your own conceptual diagram
Calculates water movements in the Netherlands
System approach to spatial planning and adaptation
Climate adaptation between urban and rural areas using natural solutions
Provides comprehensive information on natural roofs
Method for assessing the sustainability of outdoor areas
Participatory method for climate-proof planning of public space
Amasses a substantial proportion of the existing knowledge on the financing of climate adaptation
Understanding measures and their costs
Helps to make choices regarding measures to combat waterlogging
Provides an overview of ways to foster climate adaptation on private premises
Provides information on extreme downpours in the Netherlands
Investigates the performance of various types of rainwater systems
Describes practice and theory of interest linking
Helpful website on the sewer system
Answers many questions regarding the risk dialogue, and provides examples and inspiring tips
The national government promotes and facilitates climate adaptation
Tips, experience, and examples of spatial adaptation
Toolbox for a collective pursuit of climate adaptation
Conducting risk dialogues in a playful manner
Facilitating risk dialogues between municipal authorities and residents
Instructions for conducting the stress test
Gauges the sustainability of a neighbourhood
Gauges the sustainability of an industrial estate
Helps you to map out issues and solutions, step by step
Rapid insight into the value of greenery and water in cities
Inspiring ideas for attractive green buildings
Strategic approach to energy and climate issues
Mapping out the heat measured and perceived in a particular area
Provides practical information for construction and infrastructure companies
Helps to raise residents’ awareness of the impact of climate change or to encourage them to engage in climate adaptation
Helps to incorporate Active Groundwater Level Management in decisions on sewer renovations
How do you develop an urban construction programme in a climate-resilient manner?
Serious game for greening urban areas
Design guidelines for heat-proof outdoor spaces
Shows the positive effects of greenery in cities
Helps to gain insight into a water system’s vulnerability to climate change
Provides insight into the potential impact of climate change and adaptation measures on urban water quality
Foundation issues: causes and solutions
Insight into the damage caused by severe downpours
Insight into rainwater on private property and action perspective
Step-by-step plan for water-conscious management of heritage and collections
Digital display of water and climate solutions
Calculates the added value of greenery in cities
Methodology for analysing pluvial flooding