Urban Balance board game
Urban policymakers are faced with a major challenge: how do you develop an urban construction programme that is capable of accommodating the changing climate, whilst safeguarding the continued liveability of cities? This is the question that underpins the “Urban Balance” game. Urban Balance is a board game in which urban development (the battle for space, between housing and room for greenery and water) is simulated in an existing urban context.
The game can be played by 3 to 6 players assuming three roles: government, developer, and consumer (resident). The game can be used for various purposes, e.g., in the initial phase of a project, staff training, or as a component of a study programme.
A game of Urban Balance will:
- generate greater insight into the need for early collaboration between the government, project developers, and consumers, in order to avoid future high (social) costs to resolve the negative impact of a housing programme on the living environment when the climate is changing;
- raise awareness of the interconnectivity between area development and climate change;
- give people a lot to talk about after the game.
Download the flyer (pdf, 387 kB). for more information on the Urban Balance game.
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