The RainTools model simulates the performance of rainwater facilities in the form of the trend in water balance over time. Small-scale facilities can be calculated in detail. Systems covering larger areas are simulated more approximately. The performance can be simulated both for (extreme) downpours and for series of precipitation. In many cases, the results of series and downpours differ considerably. The RainTools model is a toolbox featuring a collection of calculation tools to simulate the performance of various types of rainwater systems. Examples include the performance of green rooftops, infiltration facilities, utilisation facilities, tunnels, facilities on private properties and in public spaces, sewer system grids, et cetera.
The RainTools model is intended to make a wide target group aware of the water balance of composite systems. The user interface targets specific applications, in which systems are schematised in great detail using so-called “calculation tiles”. Considerable attention has been paid to the user friendliness of the interface, in order to ensure that the software may be accessible to the widest possible group of users. The RainTools model is made available through the RIONED foundation. To apply for a user account, please contact info@raintools.nl.
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