Natural climate adaptation process in between urban and rural areas
A great deal of attention is already being focused on climate adaptation in towns and cities, along rivers, and in nature reserves. Often, however, peri-urban areas – the areas between towns or cities and the countryside – are overlooked. Yet many such areas also offer opportunities. For that reason, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality commissioned Bureau Stroming consultants and GreenSteps Duurzaam Innovatie (Sustainable Innovation) to develop a process that municipalities can use to render such areas climate-adaptive, based on natural solutions that foster biodiversity.
For whom?
The process has been developed for municipalities, district water boards, provinces, and other parties.
How can the process be used?
A brief regional process will generate an overview of the main spatial tasks on the outskirts of a town or city and in the surrounding rural area. This will form the basis for finding solution strategies for natural climate-adaptive measures in combination with other spatial tasks. The process comprises eight successive building blocks. Filling in a regional canvass generates a perspective on the most appropriate solution strategies.
Who has developed the process?
The process has been developed by Bureau Stroming consultants and GreenSteps Duurzaam Innovatie, commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.
Date of publication
6 March 2023
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