Guide to Nature-inclusive Development

Nature-inclusive building produces a healthy, climate-proof environment for both people and wildlife. The Guide to Nature-inclusive Development helps everyone engaged in the development of the living environment to design and build for and with nature. It offers a step-by-step plan, from the very start of the design process.

For whom?

The Guide has been developed for project developers and municipalities, but in fact it can be used by anyone interested in nature-inclusive development, e.g., policymakers, housing corporations, and homeowners. The Guide also makes useful study material for teachers and students.

How can the Guide be used?

The Guide features a clear step-by-step plan, which comes with a helpful checklist to ensure that you will not forget anything in any step of the design process. Factoring in any nature-related obstacles, opportunities, and requirements from step one will prevent delays later on in the process. In addition to the step-by-step plan, the Guide features nature-inclusive measures, categorised by wildlife species, that can be incorporated in a design. It also explains how the soil, water, and greenery can be used in the framework of nature-inclusive development.

Who has developed the Guide?

The Guide has been developed by Synchroon, in close collaboration with Nest Natuurinclusief consultants and the Netherlands Society for the Protection of Birds.

Date of publication

23 March 2023