Menu Map Heat and Guideline Integrated Action Plan

Climate change requires that municipalities prepare for increasing heatwaves. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) therefore developed the Menu Map Heat and the Guideline Integrated Action Plan. The Menu Map presents a quick overview of the steps that municipalities can take to become ‘heat proof’, in the fields of health, buildings and environment. New insights and new measures are added to the menu map annually.

For whom?

This tool is intended for municipal policy staff.

How can it be used?

The Heat menu map provides an overview of heat effects and of the heat measures that municipalities can take in the fields of health, buildings, and the environment. And the Guideline Integrated Action Plan Heat comprises a detailed step-by-step plan for municipalities to get started on the theme ‘heat’. The tools also include a brochure that explains how municipalities can use the Heat menu map to develop an integrated action plan. Such a plan helps municipalities to pursue an effective heat policy in concrete terms and through various municipal departments. In addition to these tools, you will also find the contact information of several heat advisors. They can help you make the entire municipality “heat proof”.

Who has developed it?

The brochure, the Guideline Integrated Action Plan Heat and the Menu Map Heat have been developed on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning(VRO) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), in collaboration with the Netherlands Climate Alliance, Tauw consultants, and &Flux transition managers.

Date of publication

12 February 2024