Overview on climate adaptation measures in the built-up environment

Climate adaptive and nature inclusive construction requires a range of measures to be implemented. However, what measures are most appropriate? Which are already commonly implemented, at what cost? And what is known about the effectiveness of such measures? This overview provides insight into the details.

For whom?

Project developers, (construction) companies, government professionals, and residents.

How can the document be used?

The overview comprises two components:

  1. An overview of commonly implemented measures, with an indication of the investment and management costs involved. The measures are divided across three categories: minor, medium-sized, and major interventions. Icons indicate the purpose of the measure and the level at which it is implemented: building, street, garden or public greenery.
  2. An overview of sources examining the effectiveness of measures. These sources are of interest to verify the effectiveness of a particular measure and to check whether its construction and maintenance warrant the investment.

The overview can be used for both existing buildings and new construction projects.

Who has developed this tool?

This overview has been developed by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.

Date of publication

7 February 2024