Urban Water Quality, Climate and Adaptation Limiting Values Tool

A consortium operating under the Dutch National Water and Climate Knowledge and Innovation Programme (NKWK) Climate-proof Cities focus area conducted a study into the impact of climate change and into potential side effects of adaptation measures on urban water quality. One of the results of the study is the Urban Water Quality, Climate and Adaptation Limiting Values Tool. This Tool helps to gain insight into a water system’s vulnerability to climate change and into the reasons why. For each functional use, the Tool presents the limiting values of various control variables. On the basis of the entered data, the Tool compiles diagrams that provide an instant picture of the water system’s suitability for a particular functional use and show which control variables are responsible.

For whom?

The Urban Water Quality, Climate and Adaptation Limiting Values Tool was developed for water management bodies.

How can the Tool be used?

The Tool can be used for the following purposes:

  • In the Tool, you can indicate the functions for which a water system is being used, or which functions may be of interest in the future.
  • For each control variable, the Tool provides insight into its current value.
  • The Tool allows you to indicate whether the value of a control variable will increase, decrease or remain constant as the climate changes.
  • The Tool operates with limiting values based on the literature and expert opinions. However, these values can be adjusted to fit your own policy or requirements.
  • If desired, the results of the Tool can be exported to a document in graph format.

Who has developed the Tool?

The Tool has been developed by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Royal HaskoningDHV, Deltares, Arcadis, TAUW, and Climate Adaptation Services.

Date of publication

March 2024