Policy Mixer

The Policy Mixer provides an overview of ways to foster climate adaptation on private premises and shows how financial incentives can be helpful in this respect. The tool also provides references to fact sheets, model texts, and examples.

For whom?

The Policy Mixer is intended for government officials.

How can it be used?

The Policy Mixer is a roadmap that helps municipalities and district water boards to take decisions on financial incentives for climate adaptation on private premises. The tool is composed of four steps:

  1. Clarify your climate adaptation goals.
  2. Outline the physical measures you intend to take and specify the main stakeholders.
  3. Set down your mix of instruments to foster climate adaptation.
  4. Elaborate your financial incentives.

For each step, helpful tools are provided. In addition, the Policy Mixer presents the main insights generated by the working group that has compiled this document. The Policy Mixer also provides examples of the municipalities that have participated in the working group.

Who has developed the tool?

The tool has been developed by the Decision Support working group of the Financial Incentives Alliance. The partners involved in this working group are the municipalities of Dordrecht, Enschede, and Harderwijk; the Noord-Veluwe Working Region; the Hoogheemraadschap Delfland district water control board; and the Waterschap De Dommel district water board.

Interested in joining its further development?

The government bodies participating in the working group have embarked on the next step: the Adaptation Atelier. In this context, working groups are exploring ways to gear the Policy Mixer to the following three target groups: industrial estates, housing corporations, and homeowners. If you are interested in joining these efforts, go to the Adaptatie Atelier LinkedIn page.

Date of publication

1 June 2021