Community-level adaptation

The consequences of climate change can also be limited at the community level. Below is an example from actual practice.

Kambio di klima den bo bario, bo ta kla p'e?

An action initiated by the Curaçao Meteorological Service in 2023 is a good example of what you can do at the community level. Within the framework of the Curaçao Climate Change Platform, the Meteorological Service set up the "Kambio di klima den bo bario, bo ta kla p'e?" community programme: “Climate change in your community: are you ready?”. Since 2023, the Meteorological Service has been visiting communities to discuss climate change and what residents can do for their community and for themselves. In November 2023, they organised a programme in Bonam:

Kaya Kaya Festival

Since 2019, Curaçao has organised the Kaya Kaya Festival in the historic neighbourhood of Otrobanda in Willemstad. This festival is not only about celebrating; it is also intended to enrich the neighbourhood in a social, economic and cultural sense. To this end, participants engage in activities such as collecting waste, fixing up streets and houses, and embellishing the neighbourhood with wall paintings. All these activities boost the neighbourhood's resilience, so that residents are better prepared when faced with extreme weather. This article on provides more information on the sixth edition of the Kaya Kaya Festival in 2024.

View inspiring examples

The Best practices map features a wide range of examples in the European Netherlands. Many of these projects may not be suitable for the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, but they can serve as a source of inspiration. Some community-level examples:

  • Asphalted Cromvlietplein square in the Molenwijk neighbourhood of the city of The Hague has been converted to a community park with an Urban Water Buffer to collect rainwater.
  • The city of Almere enabled residents skilled at creating beautiful green gardens to become “green neighbours”. On this project, these residents were provided with tools to encourage fellow neighbours to green their gardens. Greening gardens helps to combat heat stress and waterlogging.
  • The town of Wijhe has created a water playground in the petting zoo to enhance its appeal to children. While playing, children become aware of the importance of water and learn how rainwater can be retained.