Municipal strategies

Municipalities are pursuing the goal of rendering Dutch cities, towns, villages and rural areas climate proof and water resilient. As with the other government authorities, their efforts are based on the seven ambitions set out in the Delta Programme for Spatial Adaptation. The first municipal climate stress tests were conducted by 2019. The results were used to conduct risk dialogues and draw up implementation agendas.

Are you, as a municipality, planning to embark on climate adaptation? The special portal for government authorities explains how to embed climate adaptation in policy and provides information on such topics as funding, determining vulnerability, and monitoring.

Climate stress test monitor

A climate stress test maps out an area’s vulnerability to extreme precipitation, heat, drought, and flooding. Is the Netherlands making headway with conducting such stress tests? The Stress Test Monitor Map (in Dutch) shows the available climate stress tests.

Strategy and implementation agenda monitor

Based on the stress test and the risk dialogues, municipalities will draw up an adaptation strategy and an implementation agenda. In the strategy, they set out their plans for climate proofing their area. The implementation agenda reflects the detailed planning of the efforts set out in the strategy. The Strategy and Implementation Agenda Monitor Map (in Dutch) provides an overview of available strategies and implementation agendas in the Netherlands.

Are you looking for assistance with your climate adaptation efforts? You are welcome to contact the Climate-proof Together team. They will answer your questions and if need be, they will consult with you to explore your question in more detail. For example, regarding ways to conduct a risk dialogue or to draw up an implementation agenda. Furthermore, the Climate-proof Together platform can introduce you to other parties. The team organises occasional sessions or master classes to disseminate climate adaptation know-how in a wider group.