Adaptation measures
Are you aiming to design a sustainable and climate-proof city? The Urban Green-blue Grids website can support you in your efforts. It contains a databank of measures that can be implemented in the purview of climate adaptation and of other themes, such as biodiversity, air quality or sustainable energy. Furthermore, the website shares practical experiences regarding measures and presents the latest scientific insights on the effectiveness of measures.
The CoolKit provides information on ways to heat-proof neighbourhoods and streets. The tool offers design guidelines and an overview of the functioning and effectiveness of various measures. The Heat in the Built Environment menu map shows the steps that municipalities can take to heat-proof the built environment. Among other things, the menu map contains an overview of measures relating to the themes of health, buildings, and areas.
The Climate-proof Cities Toolbox shows how effective various measures are in a particular area that is faced with waterlogging, drought or heat. The tool also provides an overview of the benefits and the estimated costs of the measures.
The Book of Showcases “The climate is right up your street” contains ten practical examples of ways to climate-proof residential streets. The focus is on measures aimed at preparing for extreme precipitation. Each example comes with four different designs, along with a cost comparison for each design.
The Climate Adaptation app offers an easy way to find out which adaptation measures are best suited to your tasking and the features of your area.
The WaterWindow website contains practical examples of successful and innovative measures to resolve various water issues.
The Active Groundwater Level Management toolbox can be used to combat groundwater level issues in your municipality. Among other things, the toolbox features an overview of relevant technical requirements and legal aspects.
Are you planning to implement measures to drought-proof public greenery? The Drought and Greenery guidelines can help you. The guidelines come with six discussion maps relating to cauliflower neighbourhoods, older neighbourhoods, and suburban expansion (Vinex) neighbourhoods in both low-lying and elevated parts of the Netherlands.
Is your municipality located in an area affected by soil subsidence, and are there signs of pole rot causing damage to foundations? The Guide to Foundation Issues and the Tackling Foundation Issues Explorer help municipalities to tackle issues at the neighbourhood level, step by step.
Guide Models show how the natural system works in a particular type of landscape and what the main climate effects are. For each type of landscape, potential adaptation measures are listed.
The model book on climate adaptation and the soil-water system is a compilation of inspiring and successful adaptation projects in rural areas. The book shows how the soil-water system can be harnessed to prevent waterlogging and drought at a local or regional level.
The Climate Adaptation app offers an easy way to find out which adaptation measures are best suited to your tasking and the features of your area.
The WaterWindow website contains practical examples of successful and innovative measures to resolve various water issues.
The Manual for Water-friendly Gardens provides information on specific measures to realise a water-friendly and heat-resilient garden. The manual contains 19 tips with detailed explanations for carrying out the measures.
The HuisjeBoompjeBeter website contains tips and actions to render gardens climate-proof and nature-friendly.
The “Heat in the Home” fact sheets outline, per type of house, the most effective measures for combating heat issues in existing houses.
Rooftops offer many options for climate adaptation. Curious about the benefits of a green rooftop? The Multifunctional Roofs Fact Sheet contains a clear overview of all the benefits. The Natural Roofs Manual outlines various types of green rooftops, along with detailed instructions on their construction. Do you want to combine climate adaptation with other rooftop functions? The Multifunctional Roofs knowledge platform is a great source of inspiration.
The Guidelines for Climate-adaptive Construction help municipalities and other local or regional authorities to embed climate-adaptive construction and planning in their policies and plans. The Guidelines contain examples showing the full scope of climate-adaptive construction and planning options within current legislation. The Guidelines for Nature-inclusive Building in the purview of human health comprise a top ten of healthy measures to be implemented during the construction or redevelopment of residential areas.
The two Manuals for sustainable industrial estates outline the measures that can be taken at industrial estates. The one manual pertains to measures at existing buildings and estates, the other deals with measures for new buildings and estates. The manuals also provide information on how and at what stage the measures can best be carried out.
One of the three brochures compiled by the province of Gelderland on How do you green your environment? pertains to industrial estates. It outlines twelve measures intended to green industrial estates, along with an overview of the costs and of the benefits for government authorities and entrepreneurs.
Rooftops at industrial estates offer a range of options for climate adaptation. Curious about the benefits of a green rooftop? The Multifunctional Roofs Fact Sheet provides a clear overview of all the benefits. The Natural Roofs Manual outlines various types of green rooftops, along with detailed instructions on their construction. Do you want to combine climate adaptation with other rooftop functions? The Multifunctional Roofs knowledge platform is a great source of inspiration.
Do you want to pursue a green schoolyard? The Green-blue Schoolyards website offers tips and inspiration. It also features a workbook with a helpful step-by-step plan for anyone intending to create a green schoolyard or green school rooftop.
The Guidelines for Climate-proof Petting Zoos outline, step by step, the measures that you can take to climate proof a petting zoo. It also lists programmes to reach out to both children and adults.
Do you want to know how adaptation measures may affect water quality? Useful information can be found in the section on “Climate adaptation measures” in the interactive knowledge document on Urban Water Quality, Climate and Adaptation.
Do you want to improve the water quality of an urban water system? If you know the causes (control variables) of poor water quality, you can explore the most effective measures. The interactive knowledge document on Urban Water Quality, Climate and Adaptation contains an overview of measures to improve water quality.
The Urban Green-blue Grids website can help you find out more about the effectiveness of measures. It contains summaries and highlights of research in the field of adaptation measures. For each measure, it presents data on its effectiveness.
The Climate-proof Cities Toolbox shows how effective various measures are in a particular area that is faced with waterlogging, drought or heat. The tool also provides an overview of the benefits and the estimated costs of the measures.
The Climate Adaptation and Nature Inclusiveness in the Built-up Environment infographic contains an overview of commonly implemented measures. A cost indication is provided for each measure. In addition, the infographic lists various sources of research into the effectiveness of measures.
The EfFact checker answers various practical questions relating to outdoor heat measures.
The “Effectiveness of measures” table shows the effects of adaptation measures.
The CoolKit provides information on ways to heat-proof neighbourhoods and streets. The tool offers design guidelines and an overview of the effect and effectiveness of various measures.
The Climate Adaptation app offers an easy way to find out which adaptation measures are best suited to your tasking and the features of your area.
The Guidelines for Soil-conscious climate adaptation explain how to retrieve data on the soil and subsoil from the Basic Subsoil Register and how to use such data in climate adaptation efforts. The guidelines provide practical instructions, tips, and examples.
The ParcelTool can be used to calculate the water processing capacity of a plot and the volume of run-off to public areas or the sewer system. The tool also comprises graphs and animations showing the effects of various measures.
RainTools helps to monitor and simulate the effect of rain provisions, both during extreme downpours and during prolonged periods of precipitation. It also enables you to compare and assess the effects of measures.
The Guide to Smart Climate Adaptation Linkage sets out how municipalities can link climate adaptation to three other major taskings: the energy transition, the new construction tasking, and the major repairs and renovation cycle.
The flyer and the magazine on Linkage with the energy transition help you get started with linking climate adaptation in your strategy to the energy transition and vice versa.
The Data Provision on the Energy Transition in the Built Environment tool shows data that is relevant to the energy transition in your municipality. The viewer can be used to identify linkage opportunities in climate adaptation efforts.
The book entitled Reinventing Multifunctionality explains what exactly linkage is and sets out ways to capitalise on linkage opportunities. It presents dozens of examples of linkage opportunities in the fields of climate adaptation, power supply, transport, and many more.
The Linkage Opportunities: Discussion Map is intended to inspire thought about smart uses of public and private space. In addition, it outlines various options for combining investments, thus saving construction and maintenance costs.
The Green Construction Checklist provides tailormade advice for nature-friendly construction. The Guidelines for Nature-inclusive Development contain a step-by-step plan and measures aimed at designing and building for and with nature.