Other programmes and networks

In addition to the Delta Programme for Spatial Adaptation and the National Climate Adaptation Strategy, other programmes and networks are also pursuing the promotion and acceleration of climate adaptation efforts in the Netherlands.


Between 2017 and 2023, The Climate-proof Cities focus area (NKWK-KBS) developed and shared knowledge on the best measures for rendering cities climate proof and water resilient. It was one of the fourteen focus areas of the National Water and Climate Knowledge and Innovation Programme (NKWK). The NKWK Climate-proof Cities page features more information on this focus area.

LIFE-IP Climate Adaptation

LIFE-IP Climate Adaptation (2022-2027) is a Dutch programme, co-funded by the European Union. The programme is intended to expedite the implementation of adaptation measures in the Netherlands. It will be carried out by a consortium of 22 government bodies and organisations. The programme will be coordinated by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment RIVM. Thus, the programme establishes a manifest link between the climate and public health.

Climate-proof Together

In order to protect the Netherlands against the impact of climate change, it is important for governments, residents, businesses, and NGOs to join forces. This is why the Climate-proof Together platform was created: a network intended for and operated by professionals who seek to render the Netherlands resilient to climate change. The Climate-proof Together team can assist you in pursuing climate adaptation, for example, by sparring with you, by putting you in touch with other parties, or by sharing a good initiative or idea through national media.


The Climate Adaptation Standards Consultation Committee (in Dutch abbreviated to OSKA) is a joint venture focused on standards. Examples of standards are norms, guidelines, and manuals. Standards play an important part in the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings, infrastructure, and public space. OSKA involves collaboration between government bodies, the business community, research institutes, and standardisation organisations. Their aim is to ensure that climate adaptation will quickly be incorporated into new and existing standards.

City Deals

The City Deals (in Dutch) are also intended to foster collaboration among various parties. In the City Deals, cities, NGOs, and the national government work together on promoting innovation and enhancing the liveability of Dutch cities. City Deals in which climate adaptation plays a major part are the Climate Adaptation City Deal and the Public Space City Deal. The Climate Adaptation City Deal has been completed and the results are available.

Global Center on Adaptation (GCA)

The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is an organisation that has been fostering global climate adaptation since 2018. GCA encourages countries, organisations, and businesses to share knowledge and to collaborate on climate adaptation, in order to be better protected against the impact of climate change. Since 2021, the GCA headquarters has been located in the Floating Office Rotterdam, the largest floating office building in the world.