Costs and benefits of climate adaptation
The Climate Damage Atlas provides an expected cost estimate of the damage caused by climate change. The tool estimates the damage that waterlogging, heat, and drought will cause in the Netherlands in the period from 2018 to 2050.
The Climate Damage Monitor shows how much insured damage extreme weather has caused over recent years. The figures mainly pertain to damage to private property, supplemented by commercial damage ensuing from the largest damage events. The Monitor shows the damage caused by hail, storm, precipitation, lightning, flooding, and frost during the years 2007 up to and including 2021.
The Insurability of Climate Risks infographic provides an overview of the damage caused by extreme weather that is, is not or can optionally be covered by insurance.
The Climate-proof Cities Toolbox can be used to explore adaptation measures for your neighbourhood, street, or premises. The tool also provides a cost estimate for the measures.
The Book of Showcases “The climate is right up your street” contains ten practical examples of ways to climate proof residential streets. The focus is on measures aimed at preparing for extreme precipitation. Each example comes with four different designs, along with a cost comparison for each design.
The Climate Adaptation and Nature Inclusiveness in the Built-up Environment infographic contains an overview of commonly implemented measures in the pursuit of climate adaptive and nature-inclusive building. The overview includes an indication of the investment costs and the management costs for each measure. In addition, the infographic lists various sources of research into the cost efficiency of measures.
The Urban Green-blue Grids website provides an indication of the costs entailed in adaptation measures. Furthermore, this knowledge bank contains information on the effectiveness of measures.
The TEEB City tool provides more insight into the value of greenery. The tool calculates various positive effects of green and blue measures in a project.
The Infographic on Funding amasses a substantial proportion of the existing knowledge on the financing of climate adaptation.
The Guide to EU Grants answers more than one hundred questions about European grants in the fields of water and the climate.
The Funding Constructions Toolbox provides an overview of a range of options for garnering financial support. The toolbox is intended for both professionals engaged in urban development and private individuals seeking to climate proof their homes.
The Environment List Online Tool shows which investments in adaptation measures qualify for tax benefits.