All tools
How do you substantiate spatial adaptation? In recent years, several tools have been developed and fine-tuned under the Delta Plan on Spatial Adaptation, e.g. the Climate Impact Atlas, Stress test, Climate-proof City Toolbox, Climate Damage Atlas and the Risk Dialogue Roadmap. The tools are available for anyone, free of charge. Several other parties have also developed tools; see the list below. Use the filter to search by issue (waterlogging, heat, drought, and urban flooding), and type of tool. Some tools require external support, others are available free of charge. Find a tool missing? Please let us know.
Hoe geef je ruimtelijke adaptatie handen en voeten? Hier een selectie van hulpmiddelen waarmee u zelf aan de slag kunt. De klimaateffectatlas bevat kaarten die een globaal beeld geven van overstromingen, wateroverlast, droogte en hitte, waar mogelijk in beeld gebracht voor de KNMI scenario's. Gidsmodellen geven suggesties voor ruimtelijke adaptatie voor 11 landschapstypen. Het zijn schema's die inspiratie moeten bieden bij ontwerpprocessen.

Clarifies what climate adaptive construction and planning entails

Explore dozens of adaptation measures for your neighbourhood, street, or premises

Measuring protocol for conducting Thermal Comfort Assessments at street-level scale

Comprises a step-by-step plan for drawing up a strategy to combat urban heat stress

Step-by-step plan to utilise cultural-historical knowledge in stress tests

Helps to initiate a dialogue on climate-proofing a brook valley landscape

Helps municipalities to drought-proof greenery in urban areas

Helping to gain more insight into the causes and effects of drought, and into their interrelationships

Provides an overview of the effects of several climate adaptation measures

Step-by-step plan for municipalities to determine what instruments they can use to embed climate adaptation

Enables you to identify the biggest physical climate risks within a portfolio

Sets out how municipalities can link climate adaptation to other major taskings

Provides information on foundation issues in the Netherlands

To assist in designing an integrated environmental vision

Show the options for embedding climate-adaptive and nature-inclusive construction in policies and plans

Shows how nature-inclusive, yet climate-adaptive measures can be accommodated in road construction and maintenance

Provides insight into the health effects of green measures

Shows for urban water management what has changed under the Environment and Planning Act and what has not

Comprises some 230 definitions of phrases relating to the theme of heat, that are used in the field of climate adaptation

Brochures with measures for greening residential areas, shopping centres, and industrial estates

Provides an overview of damages that are and are not covered by insurance

Helps to make efficient use of limited space, both overground and underground

Assistance in linking climate adaptation to the energy transition

Tips and inspiration to utilise greenery in the purview of climate adaptation

Shows how to enhance the sustainability of industrial estates

Provides an overview of twenty-five products, manuals, and tools supporting the construction process

Climate adaptation between urban and rural areas using natural solutions

Amasses a substantial proportion of the existing knowledge on the financing of climate adaptation

Understanding measures and their costs

Answers many questions regarding the risk dialogue, and provides examples and inspiring tips

The national government promotes and facilitates climate adaptation

Provides practical information for construction and infrastructure companies

Helps to incorporate Active Groundwater Level Management in decisions on sewer renovations

Helps to raise residents’ awareness of the impact of climate change or to encourage them to engage in climate adaptation

How do you develop an urban construction programme in a climate-resilient manner?

Helps to gain insight into a water system’s vulnerability to climate change

Provides insight into the potential impact of climate change and adaptation measures on urban water quality

Step-by-step plan for water-conscious management of heritage and collections